Emergency checklist
An emergency kit is an important step to ensure you, and your family are prepared for unexpected events such as cyclones, flooding and severe storms. Refer to our emergency checklist for a list of item to have in your kit
Emergency checklistIf you have been impacted by a severe weather event, we’re here to help.
This page provides information about staying safe, making a claim, and getting up and running as soon as possible after a flood, storm, fire, or other severe weather.
If you need urgent assistance during a weather event, call the SES on 132 500.
If your life (or the life of a loved one) is in danger, call triple zero (000).
Watching out for scams
Following a severe weather event it’s important to be alert for scams where scammers pose as insurance companies or other support agencies. To find out more about scams and how to protect yourself, please visit our watching out for scams page.
Looking for one of our other partners – visit our Insurance partners page to find out more.
If you’re insured with Hollard Personal Insurance or Hollard Commercial Insurance through a broker, please contact your broker directly to make a claim.
Information for the immediate aftermath of a severe weather event. These brochures are best used alongside assistance from your claims manager, and information from your Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
Cash settlement Temporary accommodation Repairing your home Supporting our customers
Product Disclosure
To access product documents including Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) please visit the partner website you purchased your policy through:
Australian Seniors
CBA Insurance
Everyday Insurance
Real Insurance
Claims - additional support available

Cash settlement
Read about cash settling a claim and if this might apply to you.

Temporary accommodation
Understanding what your benefit covers and how we can help.

Repairing your home
Learn about the six steps to repairing your home after a weather event.

Supporting our customers
We encourage you to tell us if you need any additional support.
Be aware of disaster chasers
After severe weather events, people called disaster chasers may visit affected areas and tell you they can get repairs done faster or at a lower price if you work with them (for a fee). They may even state that they are from your insurance company or a claims management company.
We will never send someone to your property or business without first telling you who will be visiting and when they will be there.
If you are unsure if the person at your door is there to help, you can ask them to provide identification – such as their driver’s license – and call your insurer to confirm their details and the reason for their visit.
Representatives of Hollard and our partners won’t pressure you into signing a contract, ask for money, or promise that they can get you a larger claims settlement. If this does occur, or you believe you may be being scammed, you can call the police or visit the Federal government’s Scamwatch website.
You can read more about disaster chasers on the Insurance Council of Australia’s website or reach out to one of our recommended external support services if you need assistance with your claim.
Information to assist
How to prepare for severe weather
- Understand your insurance cover
Ensure your insurance is up to date, check your premiums are paid, and confirm the sum for which you’re insured, covers the replacement value of your property and belongings you’d like to insure.
Read your Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to ensure you are aware of any policy requirements and learn more about your cover. Please also refer to your Certificate of Insurance to check your level of cover and any optional covers you have selected. - Review state emergency service recommendations
Visit your state emergency service website, or contact them on 132 500 to review their recommendations. You can also confirm, any local warnings, your local emergency broadcasters and the support available to you and your community. - Create an emergency plan
Your state emergency service provides recommendations on how to build these plans and which resources can further assist you in this task. - Create an emergency kit
State emergency services recommend the following in a basic emergency kit:- Radio (battery-powered)
- Torches
- A supply of batteries (multiple sizes)
- Device chargers (solar-powered and standard)
- Mobile phone
- Food - basic staples that don't require heating or cooling
- Bottled water
- Warm, waterproof clothing and comfortable shoes
- Spare medication, prescriptions
- A first aid kit
- Pet essentials
- Cash and a printed copy of your emergency plan
What to do after a severe weather event
- Make sure you and your loved ones are safe
Put everyone’s safety first. If you need emergency assistance, call 000 or your local state emergency service on 132 500. - Make sure your property is safe and you're able to return home before doing so
If you're unsure whether it's safe to return, seek permission from emergency services to go back inside your property. Don't use electrical items if there is any chance they may have been affected by water in any way - ensure you have them, and any gas appliances, professionally tested as soon as possible. - Check for damage to your property and/or car
Inspect your property or vehicle if safe to do so. Take photos or videos of the damage. You can dispose of damaged contents.
How to lodge your claim
- You can lodge a claim online by contacting your insurance provider directly.
- Include photos or videos to help establish the extent of the damage.
- We will work with you to assess the damage and prepare a list of work required. We'll also work to appoint a supplier if needed.
Next steps for a home insurance claim
Make a list
- Take photos or videos and make a list of all damaged contents and if safe to do so, you can dispose of them.
- Keep a sample of any damaged flooring to help identify an appropriate replacement (where covered).
- Don't turn on electrical items that have been submerged in water or affected by water in any way.
When: As soon as it’s safe to do so.
Secure your home
- Do what you can to secure your home. We'll organise emergency repairs to secure your home if needed.
- Securing your home may include turning off power if impacted by the severe weather.
- Securing your home will be a temporary measure as we assess what needs to be repaired.
- When your home is insured and a claim for loss or damage is covered under the policy, and you cannot safely reside in your home because of loss or damage caused, we will pay for reasonable temporary accommodation costs. Let us know before incurring any costs so we can agree the cover applies and that costs are reasonable.
When: Within approximately 48 hours of lodging your claim.
Determine the repairs
- Once your home is dry or made safe, our nominated builder will come to your home to determine the extent of damage and repairs required.
- We'll talk to you about the repairs required and timeframe it will take to repair your home, or any replacement of contents if required.
When: Within approximately 5 business days after your home has been dried or made safe.
Repairs commence
- Once repairs commence, we'll keep you updated on the progress of repairs.
When: As soon as practically possible, following agreement of repairs and building contract.