Dispute resolution motor suppliers
Please note, the process outlined below is for motor suppliers only. If you are a direct customer please visit our customer complaints policy web page for details on how you can make a complaint.
As a repairer, we understand that occasionally there may be times when you may not be satisfied with the service you have received and are entitled to make a complaint.
Hollard has a dispute resolution process to which you may refer disputes when discussions with your local assessor have not resulted in the resolution of a complaint.
If you have a dispute for a matter that has arisen prior to the commencement or completion of the repair, please fill out the information on our Dispute resolution for motor suppliers form.
Dispute form
Once we have been notified of the dispute, Hollard will provide written acknowledgement of the complaint within three (3) business days and begin a full review of the dispute.
If you have a dispute relating to a contractual arrangement or procedural issue, you can lodge your dispute on the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct website www.abrcode.com.au.
We will then review your complaint through our internal dispute resolution process.
We will try to resolve the matter within nine (9) business days from the date of lodging your complaint.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you can proceed with the external dispute resolution process, which is independently mediated.
Refer to the Mediation Procedure at www.abrcode.com.au for more details.