Our partnerships in New Zealand
Hollard offers a range of insurance products through our partnerships in New Zealand, bringing to market a variety of products that serve customer needs.
Initially launched in New Zealand in January 2016 through our partnership with Ando Insurance Group, our partnerships and offerings have since grown from general insurance to include pet insurance through PetSure, bicycle insurance with Velosure, and travel insurance through Allianz Partners.
The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd (NZ Company No. 5869665) is licensed by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to carry on insurance business in New Zealand and is a member of a Dispute Resolution Scheme in New Zealand through the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman (Membership No. 2001715). Further information about the complaints process for New Zealand policyholders can be found on our complaints policy page.
Agencies in New Zealand
Hollard Fair Conduct Programme
Hollard is committed to the delivery of fair customer outcomes. To ensure the fair treatment of customers, Hollard has established a Fair Conduct Programme (FCP), which clearly articulates Hollard’s conduct expectations towards consumers. This includes expectations for any partners distributing or servicing Hollard insurance products in New Zealand.
Read more information about Hollard's Fair Conduct Programme in New Zealand.
Fair Conduct ProgrammeStandard & Poor's
Hollard has received a financial strength rating of A (Strong - Rating effective 12 August 2024) from Standard and Poor’s. This provides our customers with extra comfort regarding Hollard’s ability to pay their claims.
The Standard and Poor’s rating scale is:
AAA Extremely Strong
AA Very Strong
A Strong
BBB Good
BB Marginal
B Weak
CCC Very Weak
CC Extremely Weak
C Selective Default
D Default
The rating may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.
The rating scale above is in summary form. A full description of this rating scale can be obtained from www.standardandpoors.com.
If you are insured with Hollard in NZ, an overseas policyholder preference applies. Under Australian law, if The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd is wound up, its assets in Australia must be applied to its Australian liabilities before they can be applied to overseas liabilities. To this extent, New Zealand policyholders may not be able to rely on The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd’s Australian assets to satisfy New Zealand liabilities.
Fair Insurance Code
We are committed to complying with the Fair Insurance Code as published by the Insurance Council of New Zealand.
This means we will:
- provide insurance contracts which are understandable and show the legal rights and obligations of both us and you;
- explain the meaning of legal and technical words and phrases;
- explain the special meanings of words and phrases as they apply in the policy;
- manage claims quickly, fairly and transparently;
- clearly explain the reason(s) why a claim has been declined; and
- provide you with a written summary of our complaints procedures as soon as disputes arise and advise you how to lodge a complaint and tell you about the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme.
You can access and download the Fair Insurance Code brochure on the Insurance Council of New Zealand website.